What is Software IV&V?
We all interact with software in our daily lives—you’re utilizing countless software programs to read this article on your phone or computer right now. Of course, software goes well beyond a computer screen. Software drives some of the most critical applications in the world, from defense systems to medical equipment, even the car you drive. […]

How Independent Verification & Validation Uncovers the Unknown
We we think about air travel today, we often associate it with flight delays, long security lines, and uncomfortable seats. However, in the early days of aviation, flying was considered more luxurious. Perhaps the first plane to provide this type of experience was the de Havilland Comet. The Comet was debuted by British Overseas Airways […]

Four Examples of SiMD IV&V Gone Wrong
When we go to a hospital or doctor’s office to be treated, we know that sometimes things might not go perfectly. Typically, we worry about the human elements. What happens if I don’t respond to the prescription my doctor gives me? What if a mistake during a routine surgery leaves me injured? However, one all-too-real […]

Custom Development of Ruggedized Systems
Uses for ruggedized computer systems are highly specialized, and are likely to vary greatly from use to use. With these challenging and rather inflexible demands, off the shelf just won’t do. However, development, engineering and manufacturing costs for truly unique systems may be cost prohibitive to the end user. This is where custom product development […]

The Next Generation of Video Control Technology for Ruggedized Systems
All computer systems rely on video controllers to process and deliver the signal that drives display. In some ways they go unnoticed, as they are often hidden inside the computer, suffering from “out of sight, out of mind” syndrome. But in reality, the importance of having a robust video controller can not be underestimated, especially […]

Improving Ruggedized System Performance with the Latest Connector Technology
Chances are, you’ve already come in contact with a USB-C connector. You might be surprised to learn that they were originally developed in 2014, but have only recently gained substantial traction. These connectors are now used in the latest laptops, phones, and tablets, and their incredible utility continues to flourish. General Digital is proud to […]

It’s been a year—have you adjusted to the EU MDR Guidance on “Significant Change” and Clinical Evidence for Software?
EU MDRs were applied 21 Mar 2020, under highly unusual circumstances: the COVID-19 pandemic. MDCG guidance on key topics will assist industry compli with MDRs.