Barracuda PanelMount 19-inchAs promised, our upgraded outdoor 19-inch Barracuda LCD monitor product line has arrived. It recently demonstrated its capabilities by enduring the rigors of our submersion chamber, meaning it has to remain under water at a depth of 1 meter for a minimum of 30 minutes. Sporting the compact design and sleeker look of its 15-inch and 17-inch predecessors, this IP67 environmentally sealed model can support an increased variety of video signals, as well. All Barracuda models are available in rack mount, panel mount and standalone enclosures, and can be configured with sunlight readable displays.

Web Site Navigation Upgrade

Web Site Navigation

With the large variety of products and services that General Digital offers, we understand that our Web site can be somewhat overwhelming to navigate. Always seeking to produce a better customer experience, we set out to create a navigation system that promotes ease of use and maneuverability. Embracing a more intuitive approach (we hope), our customers can now navigate the menu based on a variety of factors, such as: product type, mounting type, performance type, and industry type. We also added a Capabilities and Services page, to better inform and educate visitors about General Digital’s extensive offerings from our three business units, including: engineering, design, testing, manufacturing, quality control. As always, we welcome your constructive feedback on how it works for you.